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Good evening! I'm Deni from Uniplat!

At Uniplat, you can share your research and ideas related to the SDGs with the world!

DONATION = Throwing Money!

UNIPLAT also has a feature that allows you to receive money from your audience when your content is rated highly.

The SDGs are attracting a lot of attention in Japan, and they are also attracting a lot of attention around the world.

In particular, wealthy people and investors around the world are always on the lookout for new research and ideas.

UNIPLAT has many distinguished members, and they are looking forward to your unique research and ideas.

And what is unique about UNIPLAT is that the money thrown by UNIPLAT is done with crypto assets!

Currently, the function that allows users to throw money using Ethereum has been implemented.

We're looking forward to the future, when they'll be able to offer a more accessible point system!

So, those of you who want to use Uniplat will need a wallet! If you don't have a wallet, get one now!

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